10 Uses of Computer for Students: A Computer is playing a vital role in every field of life. Computers are everywhere such as at home, and t schools/colleges/universities. Students are used to performing different tasks quickly and easily.

So a lot of time and effort of the students are saved due to the use of computers.A computer has provided a number of facilities and opportunities for students. The teacher and students are connected globally through internet services.
Computers had brought a revolution in the field of education as it shifted education from four walls of the classroom to a world without walls. Let us discuss the Uses of Computers for Students:
Uses of Computer for Students| TOP 10 Uses of Computer for Students
1. Computer makes knowledge Interesting for Students

PowerPoint presentation is used in school and colleges to make the concept clear and interesting for students. Study topics are made interesting with Colourful images, writing text in beautiful font faces, and adding music while preparing PowerPoint slides. The preparation of slides is an easy, and healthy process.
2. Computer is a Source of Knowledge
A computer is a Source of Knowledge on every subject. The computer is the best source of knowledge on every subject, Large amount of notes and papers are available in E-libraries, E-bools, and E-journals.
3. Computer Saves Time
All the information on any subject and content is available on the internet and can be searched with the help of a computer. It saves time and energy for students.
4. Exchanges of Lectures and Views
The lectures and views delivered by the subject experts and students can be exchanged as a video through the internet service. These lectures can also be downloaded from websites.
5. Less Wastages of Paper
Less Wastages of Paper Notes may be uploaded and stored on the website without any use of paper. No photocopy is required for these notes because these notes can be read on mobile phones in the form of pdf files.
6. Online Examination and Results
Online Examination and Results Online examination and results are available for the Students. The Students can fill out the examination form online and can appear or attend the examination online using a computer and the Internet. An online result-checking facility is also available for online exams.

7. Expansion in Education and Employment Opportunities
Education and employment opportunities are available in the subjects of computer hardware, software, computer languages, network, etc. Students can do different courses with computers.
8. Control on Education System in Schools
A lot of circulars and directions and other correspondences are made between the education board and schools every day through emails and internet service. This facility gives pace and control to the education system.
9. Use of Computers in Libraries
The computer is used in the issue and return process of books in a library. The personal information related to class, roll no address of the student is available in library management software. A book with the name of the author and title is issued to the learner through this personal record. A record of students and books is stored in software for the convenience of a librarian.
10. Lerner Record System
The personal details of a learner are stored in a database. All information is available without wastage of any paper and time.
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